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Te Waenga whakapapa
Rangitauwawaro (m) of Te Roroa married Taurangi (f) of Ngati Kahu, who begat
RONGOTAUMUA (m) and Te Puni (m).
Rongotaumua married Te Ruru (f) of Ngai Tamatea. Some whakapapa say she begat Kete (m), Tawakeroa (m) and Punga (f) whilst others state she actually begat MURARE (f) and Punga (f) – the same Punga who married Taiteanuku of Ngapuhi and became the tipuna of Kahumakaka, the same who was killed at Taiamai by Ngapuhi in wars against Ngati Pou.
Regardless, Murare (f) married Taitua of Ngapuhi (m) and begat three daughters:
HUIA (f), who married Te Whareumu of Ngati Pou (son of
Te Arahi and Te Ruru); Kie (f) who married Tarahape (Te Whareumu’s brother) and Te Kura (f) who married Pakauwhati of Ngati Awa.
Huia and Te Whareumu begat Kohu (f). Te Whareumu also married Moehuri who begat another Kohu (f), Toihaumaku (m), Wharepoke (m), Rauruhaea (m) and HINE TE WAIROA (f). Note that some whakapapa designate Hine Te Wairoa as Huia's daughter and not Moehuri's. Te Whareumu later married Whakakati who begat Hori Kingi Tahua (m).
Hine Te Wairoa begat TAURANGA.
Tauranga begat IRAIA (m) and Tapuhi (f) who went on to marry Te Maara of Te Roroa (his brother Paekoraha married Koerere, who was to be the mother of Maro, Te Waenga's future wife).
Iraia begat PAHAU.
Pahau (ariki of
Ngati Korokoro o Ngapuhi) married Kuramaruia o Te Rarawa who begat
TE WAENGA TUOROA. For further info on Te Waenga please click