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Homepage for the Maniapoto tribe. Click here to learn about the convenant set by Te Rangituataka (online copy of the covenant here).

Homepage for the Ngapuhi tribe. For another superb overview of Ngapuhi lands, canoes, mountains, ancestors and history visit this teara.govt.nz page.

Official site for Raukawa iwi, very indepth (see here for an extensive list of Ngati Raukawa hapu). There is also further paronga below in the research section.

Homepage forn Te Rarawa iwi from Hokianga.

te rarawa and the crown
Deed of settlement between Te Rarawa and the Crown. Also, visit here for the Crown apology to Te Rarawa.

te rarawa and treaty matters
Te Rarawa site up to help whanau, hapu and marae keep informed about our Treaty of Waitangi claims.

Information about John Martin's house at Omapere.

Courtesy of the Auckland War Memorial Museum, this link discusses Bernard James Ogilvy who died in World War II aged 41.

These are the personal pages of the Ogilvie family of Helensville. Here you will find information about the origins of Clan Ogilvie in Scotland and its history, a summary of our genealogical origins, and other pages introducing us and our interests.

James Ogilvy Grant, 11th Earl of Seafield, born 1876 in Oamaru, New Zealand. Not in our direct line but a kiwi clansman non the less, he died in 1915 from wounds received at Flanders, Belgium. Lest we forget.

A fascinating look into the history and early origins of the Ogilvie-Ogilvy-Ogilby-Ogle (and its many derivatives) name, as well as early ancestors who were part of the Ogilvy diaspora.

The Bonnie Hoose o' Airlie (lyrics)
Located at rampantscotland.com, this ballad recalls the destruction of Forter Castle in Angus in 1640 by the Earl of Argyll, which left the Countess of Airlie to wander on the adjacent hills (the "Charlie" mentioned in this ballad is King Charles I, not Bonnie Prince Charlie). For a modern rendition of this watch The Bonnie Hoose o' Airlie performed by Fullset, one of Ireland’s most accomplished and sought-after bands in Irish Traditional Music today.

This site contains excellent genealogy pages relating to the generic Ogilvy whanau around the world. An ongoing, relevant resource.

The Ancient History of the Maori: His Mythology and Legends (Ngapuhi)
An excellent online resource for whakapapa and history in te reo, there is an engari version hosted here by Victoria University.

from the sea we came
An exceptional resource written and developed by Roger Mold growing up in the Kaihu rohe that began with his own whakapapa research then grew from there. His document contains historical facts, myths, legends and stories that give a well-rounded view of early Aotearoa and tangata whenua.

hongi hika
Short summary of Hongi Hika's life, travels, actions and conflicts.

An exceptional review into historical conflicts and peace-making between Tai Tokerau iwi with a focus on Te Rarawa and Te Aupouri in particular. Also, click here for info regarding early ancestry in northland; the provided whakapapa included is superb for tracing our own - and other iwi- ancestral links! Both highly recomended.

Excellent resource for the coming of Mata-atua, Kurahaupo and other canoes from Hawaiki to New Zealand (includes named crew). Also see the other canoe link below as well as this PDF for canoe routes in early Maori New Zealand.

kaihu the district
Known as History and Legend Reference Journal Four, these publications contain all sorts of information related to northland and the Hokianga region in particular. This edition examines an array of early characters of the time from Te Waenga to Hongi Hika, Samuel Marsden to John Martin, Joel Polack to Te Rore Taoho.

For a short expose on PUHI- KAI- ARIKI/PUHI- MOANA-ARIKI from whom Ngapuhi take their name.

raukawa environmental management plan
Published on Jul 16, 2015, this gives a superb overview of the history of the iwi to the present day, its future aims, current focus, rohe and the like.

stories of tauranga
Excellent source of the history, myths and legends of Tauranga Moana, many of which impact on iwi not only across the wider BOP region but also beyond.

The canoe (waka in Maori) traditions or stories describe the arrival in New Zealand of Maori ancestors from a place most often called Hawaiki. This article provides comprehensive overviews of the canoe traditions, arrivals and tribal links of Aotearoa. Helpful to see the link between the Bay of Plenty and northland regarding the Mataatua waka too.

Another excellent resource examining first peoples to Aoteroa: "Nga Potiki are the early ancestors of the people we know today as Ngai Tuhoe. Before the arrival in New Zealand of the migrants on the Mataatua canoe, they occupied much of what is now the Urewera region, including Maungapohatu, Ruatahuna and Maungataniwha."

Read up on the Muruwhenua iwi of northland.

One of the best online resources for learning te reo pitched from beginner to advanced and highly recommended.

For a better understanding of the Maori transliteration of English names.

Is a helpful online resources for te reo with very clear links to specific aspects of the reo.

The penultimate online resource for kupu, the Maori dictionary has been and continues to be, a blessing for all those interested in te reo and beyond.

New Zealand's very own Maori television channel, a world first.

For a map of Maori rohe (traditional iwi areas), visit this site page and click on the provided map for the enlarged version.

Find out about te reo (or follow the link and skip ahead to page 3 for 100 Maori words every New Zealander should know and support te reo).

A succinct yet informative overview of iwi within the Whangerei rohe which includes important historical facts.
