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Ngapuhi whakapapa

Names of direct descendants have been placed first; this is not necessarily indicative of their being the eldest

Uhenga (c 895) begat Poutama who begat Whiti-rangi-mamao who begat KUPE, widely accepted as the first Polynesian explorer to Aotearoa (click here for further info). Kupe captained the Matawhaorua waka.
Kupe had three wives: Hine-te-Aparangi, Peketahi and Kuramarotini. Kura bore Kupe 10 children, one of whom was MATIU (m).
Matiu begat MAKORO (m).
Makoro begat MAEA (m).
Maea begat MAAHU (m).
Maahu begat NUKUTAWHITI. Nuku-tawhiti married Kahu-o-te-Rangi Mahu who bore him Rongomai (m), Moerewa (f) and Papatuanuku (m). He also married Hineariki who bore him Ngarunui (m) and Papatahuriho (m). Nuku-tawhiti also married Aniwaniwa and captained the Ngatokimatawhaorua waka.
Nukutawhiti begat NGARUNUI (m). Note that the significance of this name is related in Ngapuhi tradition whereby "Ngaru-nui" or large wave, was the wave called up when Nukutawhiti peformed karakia on his departing for Aotearoa from Hawaiiki. Waka then rode "Ngaru-nui", the large wave, to Te Hokianga nui a Kupe (Hokianga harbour).
Ngarunui begat NGARUROA (m). Note that the significance of this name us related in Ngapuhi tradition whereby on seeing the Hokianga, Ngaru-nui (large wave) dropped away and "Ngaru-roa" or long wave, rose to guide them into the harbour.
Ngaruroa begat NGARUPAEWHENUA (m). Note that the significance of this name is also related in Ngapuhi tradition whereby as Nukutawhiti's waka was taken ashore, Ngaru-roa dropped away to be replaced by "Ngaru-pae-whenua" (shore-ward wave) guiding them onto land safely.
Ngarupaewhenua begat HIKUITI (m).
Hikuiti begat TAURA (m).
Taura begat TAURA-I-TE-PO (m).
Taura-i-te-Po begat TAURAMOKO (m) and Tawakehaunga (m).
Tauramoko & Te Hauangiangi (daughter of Puhi-moana-ariki & Rongomai) begat RAHIRI (m), Puna-te-Ariari (f), Tangaroa-Whakamana-mana (m), Moko-nui-a-rangi (f) and Paru (m).
Rahiri and his second wife Whakaruru begat KAHARAU-MANAWA-KOTITI (m), Rongomai (m), Tawaka-haunga (m), Raparapa (m), Tikitiki-Ngahuru (m), Tangaroa-whakamautai (m).
Kaharau-manawa-kotiti & Houringa/Houtaringa begat TAURAPOHO (m), Tikitikingahuru (m) and Rongomai Apu (m).
Taurapoho & Ihenga begat TUPOTO (m), Tikitikingahuri (m) and Mamae (m).
Tupoto & Kauwae begat TUITI (m), Korokoro (m), Miruiti (m) and Tuteauru (m).
Tuiti & Marohawhea (Ngati Pou) begat RANGIHANA (m).
Rangihana & Kuiawai (Ngati Ue) begat Te WHAREUMU (m) and Tarahape (m).
Te Whareumu & Moehuri Tawhai begat HINE TE WAIROA (f), Kohu (f), Toihaumaku (m), Wharepoke (m) and Rauruhaea (m).
Hine Te Wairoa begat TAURANGA.
Tauranga begat IRAIA (m) and Tapuhi (f).
Iraia begat PAHAU (m).
Pahau (Ngati Korokoro)and Kuramaruia (Te Rarawa) begat TE WAENGA TUORO.
Waenga & Maro (Te Roroa) begat KIRIORA (f), Marara Mahuhu (f) and Hoani Tuoro (m).
Kiriora & John Martin begat MARY MARTIN, Maria Martin and George Martin.
Mary Martin & John Rowe begat James, Emma, Arthur, Maria, John, William and Mary Rowe; after the death of her husband John, Mary Martin remarried to Daniel Titipa Boyce. Daniel and her subsequently begat ELIZA JANE BOYCE, Matthew Daniel "Te Hau" Boyce and Amelia (Ella) Alice Boyce.
Eliza Jane Boyce marries Walter William Muir Ogilvy in 1893. They begat Lionel Victor Ogilvy (1894-1973), Raymond A Ogilvy (1895-1972), Walter John Ogilvy (1897-1977), Bernard James Ogilvy (1898-1941), Claude McDonald Ogilvy (1904-1992) and William George Ogilvy (1909-1987).

Please visit the site map link (page top), to view the descendants of the above 6-sons down to the current day. Nga mihi